A Water Book Project Proposal
‘A research story that highlights the problems faced by women living in rural areas over the challenges of water and sanitation.’
Mohammed Hammie Rajab is son of a well talented Tanzanian books and story writer and as well as movie director the Late Mr. Hammie Rajab. He has been writing various stories in different newspapers in Tanzania, he already published two books, Yaliyonikuta Tanga and Nimejitakia, both in Swahili language.
As a journalist, Mohammed works on the human rights to safe water and sanitation in Tanzania, with over twelve years’ experience in diverse aspects of journalism.
He graduated Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Dodoma, an Advance Certificate in Journalism at Times School of Journalism and Certificate in Community Journalism at University of Cardiff (Online course).
Also he attended a one year course in Facilitating Organizational Learning and Development (FOLD) conducted by EASUN. FOLD is a unique course that equip individuals to become more conscious on listening, leadership and being agent for transformative change.
Mohammed has been deeply involved in promoting water access in rural Tanzania and reporting on water issues. Working closely in the field with local communities has enabled him a rich understanding of the water crisis people face.
His movement began in 2019 after he established his radio program Sauti Yangu which means ‘My Voice’ in Swahili. Click Here. Sauti Yangu is a unique and powerful show that engages citizens, amplifies their voices and solicits the government or institution’s response for solving the water crisis in rural areas. Mohammed believes elevating the community’s voice can reach policy makers and change people’s lives.
The same year (2019) Mohammed successfully aired two programs on the community radio stations, Planet FM in Morogoro region and Voice of Africa in Tanga region.
Both programs made an impact after the government initiated major water projects to solve citizens’ water problems.
- His radio program produced at Mswaha village led the Tanzania government to pledge 500 million USD to address the rural water crisis after airing villagers’ concerns. Click Here
- Also his report produced at Lukobe village led the government of Tanzania to initiate a major water project at Mkundi. The project has cost the Tanzanian government 620 million shillings and is expected to benefit 45,000 households. Other villages that benefit from the project are Mkundi, Mguru wa ndege, Lukobe, Makunganya, and Kihonda Kaskazini. Click Here
In 2020 Mohammed joined forces with End Water Poverty (EWP), a global civil society coalition, campaigning to end the water and sanitation crisis, through their #ClaimYourWaterRights campaign. This is a global mobilisation campaign that aims to spur people to claim their human rights to safe water and sanitation.
Mohammed travelled to different villages in Tanzania, producing programs that reflect the experience of people who are facing water challenges in rural areas. Meet community members often have to fetch water from wells, ponds, or springs. He conducts interviews with local citizens so that he can explore the reality of rural citizens’ lives.
The reaction is incredible!
- Seven months after airing the radio show at Kikwawila village in Ifakara Tanzania, the local government managed to drill water for their citizens. The village chairperson said they had successfully dug a well after allocating village government funds, following a discussion at the village assembly. He said that three days after the radio show aired, village residents started bothering him by asking when the local government will dig a well as they realised that water is their human right after listening to our radio broadcast. The program aired on Pambazuko FM, Morogoro. Click Here
In 2021 Mohammed is collaborating with UN-Water through the global campaign #Water2me, aims to generate conversations — to gather as many opinions and comments from people around the world about water and what it means to them. Mohammed has produced the radio programs to ensure Tanzanian communities are heard and represented in a landmark UN report on water. Click Here
In his recent report in partnership with AquaFed, Mohammed highlighted the desperate reliance on rainwater and the shocking lack of a long-term solution for rural communities, the report led the call to action for SWA partners on climate change and water innovators. Click Here
His aim is to reach all over Tanzania. Every region, every district, every ward, and every village. Everyone from everywhere must have their voices heard.
He believes clean and safe water is everyone’s right.
These knowledge and experiences provides Mohammed a need and a basis to write a book on water challenges in Tanzania and Africa so that women and citizens can know their water rights.
The main purpose of this proposal is to seek financial cover towards printing, promoting and distributing for free copies so the message can reach many people especially in rural areas. Hence, they will be motivated to know their right to water and to start claiming it.
The book will be in Swahili language. The first printed book copies will be distributed free in 50 villages and schools. Twenty copies for each village, the village chairpersons will oversee the process to distribute to the people in their areas to read and then return to the village office to make sure everyone gets the message.
On 28 July 2010, the United Nations recognized safe water and sanitation as human rights. In 2015, 193 countries strengthened their commitment to realizing universal access to safe water and sanitation by 2030 when they adopted the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
A story about a woman, known as Mandiga Lijama who is fighting for reliable access to water to her village.
Mandiga begins her movement the day she survives rape on her way back home where she had to walk miles away to fetch water.
Her courage to stand up in public and speak up about her unfortunate occurrence revealed so many hidden agendas and led to so many testimonies that women shared about their bad experiences due to the lack of access to clean water.
Women spoke up about being raped and threatened not to say a word or being raped again. Domestic abuse is another issue that women shared and lamented about, as they are physically assaulted by their husbands if they come home late from fetching water, let alone those who got divorced as they came with empty buckets after spending a significant amount of time.
This led to her, getting more support from fellow women in her village and decides to join hands as they believed that access to water is the only solution to their problems and challenges.
Mandiga is met with so many stumbling blocks in her journey, from her husband who nearly divorced her, because he thought she is defying the norms of society, to the men in her society who among other things said, fetching water is a women’s full responsibility. But Mandiga did not give up!
Her courage to speak outreached the school and it was discovered that, many students’ especial young girls do not attend classes, because teachers send them to fetch water for their household purposes.
Mandiga’s movement becomes monumental after she receives more useful information through community Radio which stated that their village received funding for water development, drilling, and supply throughout the village, and yet nothing was done.
This gives Mandiga more courage as she keeps pushing for change.
Mandiga is faced with yet another stumbling block, as she receives a death threat from the village council, who thought she is interfering with their interests.
Death threat or to quit her movement! There is no turning back for her. As she becomes more determined to make sure things get done and they get access to clean water in their village.
Due to her resilience and determination, her voice reaches other villages and finally to the District commissioner who later arrives at the village with his committee, and convenes a village meeting.
Courageously! Mandiga stands before the District commissioner and the whole village, as she explains about their water crisis, among other things.
The District Commissioner and his committee find out about the abuse and misappropriation of funds done by some of the village leaders, so he breaks the village committee, which was overseeing the funds, and ordered the village chairperson and other members of the village council to be held accountable.
Shortly after the decision was made, the construction of a large well in the village is underway and water is finally available.
Respectfully due to efforts done by Mandiga, Men and Women in the village decide to call the well MANDIGA WATER.
This artistic work is expected to bring out the following beneficial realities:-
- It will make people realize that water is their basic right
- It will awaken women who are facing water challenges to claim their rights
- It will reduce violence against partners caused by water challenges
- It will help citizens raise their voices about water challenges
- It will help government officials to be more accountable to their people
- It will empower women and girls to see themselves as part of water management
A sponsor name, information and contact will appear on the back of the book cover and as well in the acknowledgement. The sponsor will also be mentioned in the radio advert, articles, any book promotion while in field as well as in the T-shirt printed.
The first book in Tanzania reflects the real life of women who are facing a water crisis in rural areas. A book for community development on water.
“If there were no books, there would be no easy way to the passage of knowledge”.
Author’s Contact
E-mail: ankomo25@gmail.com
Phone: +255719000010